If you live in any of the areas indicated below, you only have months to embrace the NBN or risk losing your land line, ADSL and anything connected to it.

If you live in any of the following suburbs you have NBN already which means you only have months to move to NBN before losing your land-line and ADSL connection.

Existing Copper Land Lines powering your connection, medical and alarm systems will be disconnected 18 months after the go-live date. As the following suburbs have already gone-live with NBN, it is imperative that you move over to NBN before the disconnection date.

For instance, residents of only have until 17th December 2017 to make the changeover.

Suburb – NBN Live Date – Land-Line (ADSL)  disconnection date

Other Suburbs scheduled to be connected in the next 2 years


The IT Guys, can provide professional installation services, advice and cabling and we are happy to provide a free quotation. Please contact us on the number below.

Telephone and Internet Connections offered by NBN

Telephone and Internet Connections offered via the Mobile Phone Networks

Telephone and Internet Connections offered via Independent Telecomm Companies



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