
Computer Ransom Lockout twist

This is an update on our article “If you get a phone call from Microsoft – It is a SCAM… this is what to expect” where we explained that If you get a call from a (usually with an Indian accent) BEWARE.

There is a new twist to the scam which we heard of this week.

The call happened and went as previously reported and as usual the technicians demand a small cash payment to the but this time when the user REFUSED to pay, they “locked” his PC and deleted the restore points making it impossible to restore the system to an earlier time.

They left him with a phone number to contact if he wanted the to unlock his PC. They of course want your credit card details in return.

The Person and phone number requested was Brad Watson, Technical Manager, Melbourne, 03 9005 6652 ….. if you have been requested to call this number, BEWARE it is a SCAM.

The person who this happened to contacted the Police and the Consumer Department but neither were interested in pursuing the matter further? Surely the least they could do is trace the phone number???

This article by Stephen Shardine offers a number of technical solutions but the only surefire way is to all your personal and to re-install . Now there is 4 tot 8 hours of your life your never going to get back 🙁

Here are some links that further detail and warn you of the SCAM

From Microsoft

From the ACCC Scam Watch (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission)

From The Australian Communications and Media Authority


Has one comment to “Computer Ransom Lockout – new twist to Microsoft Support telephone scam”

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  1. Thomas Miceli - November 6, 2014 Reply

    I originally had a lock out password I went to omni support and now can’t boo up my computer only with a heron boot min Xp drive then wen to micro soft and they said I needed replacement windows 7 pro 64 bit disk. Just got it and can’t upgrade when booting from disk , because I was trying to save the data. Then tried to back up files and some won’t because of 32 bit verse 64 bit and micro soft left me hanging out to dry. Tried frustrated and mad

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