Will Office 2008 or earlier still work on Mac OSx Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Catalina or Big Sur

microsoft-office-2008-taskbar-inc-entourageOffice 2008 including Entourage has not been supported my Microsoft since 2013. If Office 2008 or earlier is still working on your Mac, then DO NOT UPGRADE the operating system as you will break it.

Even 2011 has been phased out and cannot be downloaded from site any more as the only version of now been supported and updated is Office 365 ( or ).However, DO NOT think that by loading the latest office it will magically transfer all from . IT WILL NOT (read on)

Does Entourage and MS Office 2008 work with Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina or Big Sur?

Definitely NOT

Does Entourage and MS Office 2008 work with El Capitan?

Possibly? Microsoft issued an update to Office 2008 in May 2016 found here

However, before attempting the update we suggest a full export of all from Entourage as detailed below.

Does Entourage and MS Office 2008 work with Yosemite?

Possibly? Microsoft issued an update to Mac Office 2008 in May 2016 found here 

However, before attempting the update we suggest a full export of all emails from Entourage as detailed below.

We strongly suggest installing Office 365 immediately, especially if using Entourage for emails but only AFTER you have manually exported ALL the Entourage data

How to export emails, folders, contacts and appointments out of Entourage

If Entourage is still operating, your in luck. There are a number of ways to export the data to Apple mail or Microsoft .

Some methods are covered here http://www.office.mvps.org/import_export/manual_04_08.html but generally it is a slow and tedious procedure that the IT guys have had to do for many clients.

If you’d like us to do it for you, contact us on the number below.


4 comments to “Fix Mac Office 2008 Problems”

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  1. David Shomper - June 17, 2019 Reply

    My 9-yr old Mac is running 10.12.1 Sierra. I need to buy a new Mac with the latest OS. Unfortunately I have about 18 years worth of emails in Entourage that I desperately want to have access to. Is it possible to move the Entourage program and emails over to the new computer and have it work just to access these existing emails? I don’t plan to use Outlook on the new system for future emails, I just want to be able to look at the old ones. Any conversion processes I’ve looked at seem very tedious and complicated.

    Any thoughts/suggestions would be appreciated.

    (BTW, my Office 2008 works semi-well with Sierra, altho I get the occasional lockup.)

    • IT Guy - July 3, 2019 Reply

      There is nothing simple when moving Entourage files to Outlook.

      Move data to Office 2008 and then export all emails to HTML files is one solution for archiving emails for future reference.

  2. Rosco - December 1, 2019 Reply

    I am running the Office 2008 version 12.3.6 from March 12, 2013. What version was released in 2016? I can find no reference to this anywhere, and the link you posted does not work. Thanks in advance.

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