How to find out the age of a Windows Computer, Laptop or PC?


Yes, a 3.5″ “Floppy-Disk-Drive” is a dead giveaway as to a computers age, popular in the 1990s and last made in 2009.

Over the years your computer, PC or may have been “upgraded” in a number of ways.

to the Operating System ( 7 to or ), RAM or memory, Disk Drive (), Graphics card etc. but it is generally the beating heart of the computer, its CPU (Computer Processing Unit) that determines its original age as it is unlikely the CPU would have been upgraded during the computers lifetime.

How to find the likely age of a computer running on Windows 10

Use Windows “Systeminfo” command

In tab enter “Systeminfo”

or run > cmd > systeminfo


Other ways of determining a computers age

When were the core folders created?

In Windows Explorer goto the root directory C:\ and look at the dates of the sub folders. Most folders will be the same date as the last major windows but if the computer was migrated from an earlier version of windows, some of the folders may show a much older date.

What Windows version was the computer shipped with?

Look for a Windows 7, 8 or sticker on the side of a PC or underneath a laptop. Windows 7 Pro has not been available for purchase since 2018. Windows 8 not since 2015 and Vista not since 2010.

Google the model or serial number

computers can have their age determined via the service tag or serial number

Similarly for HP Computers

If you determine the computer is 5 years or older, it is recommended to replace with a new model rather than upgrading.









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