Meet John our “senior” member of staff.

He’s not a dentist (so we can show you his face) ….

He’s not the Stig …. but some say he auditioned for the part ….

…. You won’t find him at the “genius-bar”, he’s more modest than that…..

…. he’s not the messiah (he’s just a very naughty boy)

….. but he’s a very helpful and knowledgeable chap with over 40 years Computer and IT experience.

John’s forte is “making IT simple” and providing advice and solutions to individuals and businesses that are easy to use and can be explained simply in non-technical, laymans terms.

John is happy to provide you with a one-on-one on any computer, IT or technical issue from how to use an or an to based , accounting and specialist software solutions.

A 30 minute session with John is only :assess-fee: at our offices in . If you’d  like him to visit your or workplace, please call or email for a .

John is available 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, prior booking is advised but if you call into our unannounced he or one of our other technicians should be able to help you there and then.

Call for an appointment on 08 6365 5603 or send an email to :e-mail:


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