Onsite Support – Mobile IT Support and Call Outs – Perth Metro Area

onsite supportOnsite , Mobile Support and are usually not necessary in 75% to 90% of all IT and Computer . They can normally be fixed remotely (Remote Support) or by offering solutions over the or email.

When this is not possible we may need to send a technician to site to fix the problem and provide some onsite support.

Certain computer and IT problems will require an “Onsite Support Visit” or  “Call-Out” at the clients personal residence or premises.

Problems requiring “onsite visits” or “call-outs” include:

Internet and issues, /Scanner issues, Network wiring and cabling issues and unresponsive computers and devices. The latter can also be fixed more economically by bringing the equipment to our workshop in .

Rates and charges for onsite support visits/calls outs

Our minimum call-out in Subiaco and adjoining suburbs is :30mos: which includes travel time and 15 minutes onsite during normal business hours. The minimum call-out for all other Perth Metro areas is :60mos:

The call-out-fee is required to be paid in advanced and if our technician takes more than 15 minutes onsite, you will be required to pay for the extra time taken plus the cost of any materials.

Alternatively, please call the office on :phone:

Onsite Callout Rates are as follows:

  • of :30mos: (Subiaco and adjoining suburbs) between 10am and 4pm, Monday – Friday. Includes 15 minutes onsite, or :60mos: for all other Perth Metro suburbs, then
    • :15mos: per 15 minutes between 10am and 5pm on normal working days, Monday to Friday for all work in excess of 15 minutes
    • or
    • :15mosot: per 15 minutes all other times

(prices include GST)