Your Apple devices needs urgent updates – Sept 2021 It may have escaped your notice (and Apple don’t like to widely advertise the fact) but on 13th September 2021 Apple product updates were released to plug two major security...
We show you how to install Microsoft’s OneDrive and Sharepoint on a Mac, so you can share files with other Mac and Windows users If you or your company uses Microsoft OneDrive or Microsoft SharePoint for cloud data storage...
How to work from home while self-isolating due to CORONAVIRUS (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic If you have an office-based job which involves working with emails, computer programs and using a telephone to talk to customers and fellow workers, then your job...
Doing these 5 things makes running a small or micro-business a lot easier. 1. Get a 2nd computer or iPad with your emails and business documents on it, and stop stressing out when your main one breaks down!! Once...
Many Microsoft Office 2010 users have recently been receiving “Unlicensed Product” error and requiring Re-Activation Can I still use Office 2010? Can I still use Office 2016? Can I still use Office 2013? Can I still use Office 2011...
Google Drive gives you 15 GB of FREE cloud data for storage or backup Google Drive includes 15GB of FREE cloud backup or data storage. If you need more storage you can purchase from Google here. Apple iCloud Drive...
What is the best way of backing up the data on Apple iMac, Apple MacBooks, Air’s and Pro’s. In the last few years Apple decided to stop supply the Airport Time Capsule, since they appeared to conclude they could make...
The good news: iPhones and iPads are largely immune to computer viruses and DO NOT need anti-virus software. The bad news: Apple computers such as iMac, Macbook, Macbook Pro, Macbook Air and Mac Mini ARE NOT IMMUNE to Computer...
Windows Server 2003 Support has ENDED on July 14th 2015. Do you need to spend $5,000+ on a new server? The answer for most SMB’s is NO Is Migration worth it? Microsoft would love for you to migrate to...
We name the Top 4 ways to store your data in the cloud for FREE (in August 2013) If you are looking for offsite storage and backup for your data, photos, music, documents etc. these 4 solutions offer you...