Common computer problems and possible self-fixes for a computer that will not start, hangs, freezes or is very slow Power Issues. If your computer or device shows no sign of power, cannot be started by holding down the power...
When does Microsoft Office and Microsoft Windows Support Expire? Microsoft only support their operating systems and office products and will stop issuing updates and fixing security issues once this happens. You are advised to renew or update these...
We specialise in the complete removal of Computer Viruses Computer virus removal from PC‘s and Laptops running Microsoft Windows OS Computer virus removal from Servers running Microsoft Windows Server software. Computer virus removal from iMacs and Macbooks MacOS or...
How to tell which version of Microsoft Windows your computer is using? There are a number of methods you can use to determine what version of Microsoft Windows “Operating System” or “Version” your Computer, PC, Laptop or Tablet is using....
The good news: iPhones and iPads are largely immune to computer viruses and DO NOT need anti-virus software. The bad news: Apple computers such as iMac, Macbook, Macbook Pro, Macbook Air and Mac Mini ARE NOT IMMUNE to Computer...
Apple Computers do not get Malware and Computer Viruses (Urban Myth) Apple iMac’s, PowerBooks and devices running iOS are just as prone to Malware and Computer Virus infection as are Windows computers At the IT Guys, we are seeing...
Using Microsoft Windows to Backup to an External Hard Drive Why reinvent the wheel or waste money on 3rd party backup software when Microsofts default backup program works well to an external hard drive. You can even backup the...