CRYPTOLOCKER virus still going strong. 3 more clients infected today?

CRYPTOLOCKER Virus still a threat and very active. Please beware It is no laughing matter but it appears that CRYPTOLOCKER Virus’s are like buses, you don’t hear of any for a while and then 3 come along at the same time. This is the story on Friday August 27th 2015. After a rash of complaints from customers on July 23rd 2015, we didn’t receive another CRYPTOLOCKER compliant until today, with three more all in the Perth area. This behaviour arises suspicion that these crooks are coordinated and targeting small vunerable businesses and in one of todays case an Anglican Church. The Earliest cases in Australia were reported last October when the ABC was targeted see Crypto-ransomware attack targets Australians via fake Australia Post emails Earlier this month, the Australian Governments’s SMART-ONLINE site warned about a Cryptolocker attack Alert Priority High | Fake Windows 10 update leading to ransomware attack and we also reported BEWARE OF SCAM EMAILS ABOUT DOWNLOADING WINDOWS 10 In order to protect yourself and your business from this attack, be cautious when clicking any link containing free software or other offers. What should I do if I am the victim of one of these SCAM’s? 1. Seek Expert help If your computer is compromised, seek immediate technical advice to remove the ransomware from all infected computers and recover the files from backup (if possible) 2. Report the SCAM to the authorities If your computer has been compromised, you can report the incident to the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN). ACORN provides information on how to recognise and avoid common forms of cybercrime, such as hacking, online scams, online fraud, identity theft, attacks on computer systems and illegal or prohibited content, as well as offering advice to those who have fallen victim. ACORN makes it easier and more convenient to report cybercrime to a law enforcement agency.   From July 23rd 2015 ……… * WARNING * CRYPTOLOCKER Virus in Australia Post Emails In the last three days we have had three clients in Perth, Western Australia that have had all the data on their computers rendered unreadable and encrypted as they have become infected by the CRYPTOLOCKER Computer Virus, which is impossible to break or decode.. This type of virus is known as RansomwareThey all became infected after opening an EMAIL from AUSTRALIA POST (or AUSPOST)In one case the Anti-virus software detected the virus but they decided not to delete it immediately.More info here: is a ransomware trojan which targets computers running Microsoft Windows. There is a demand for money which if not paid escalates each day.DO NOT PAY any demanded RANSOM as it is not guaranteed to unlock your data and gives your financial information to the scammers.The only surefire way of removing the virus is to reinstall windows back to factory settings and then restore your data from your last backup, so please make sure your data is backed up TODAY.If you believe you have seen such an email or encountered this virus recently, please give us a call on 08 6365 5603 and we can help you remove this or any other computer virus or malware.Please be vigilant.   Related Posts and Articles Beware of scam emails about downloading Windows 10 TOP 6 CHECKS TO MAKE SURE YOUR COMPUTER IS PROTECTED FROM VIRUSES AND MALWARE HOW TO USE MICROSOFT’S DEFAULT BACKUP TO BACKUP TO AN EXTERNAL DEVICE HOW TO USE APPLE’s TIME MACHINE TO BACKUP TO AN EXTERNAL DEVICE Beware of scam emails about downloading Windows 10 OPENING AN EMAIL FROM AUSTRALIA POST HAS HAD 3 CLIENTS IN 3 DAYS LOSE ALL THEIR DATA TO THE CRYPTOLOCKER VIRUS How to avoid Computer Viruses – Stop using Bing Your Apple Mac has a Virus (this is NOT a Joke) PREVENT VIRUSES BY NOT ALLOWING OTHERS TO USE YOUR COMPUTER ACCOUNT HOW TO AVOID COMPUTER VIRUSES – STOP USING BING WINDOWS 8.1 USERS MOST LIKELY TO SUFFER ADOBE READER VIRUSES HOW CAN I TELL IF MY COMPUTER HAS A VIRUS? HOW TO REMOVE THE “DOSEARCHES” SEARCH VIRUS HOW TO REMOVE THE “SNAP-DO” SEARCH VIRUS AUSTRALIAN FEDERAL POLICE VIRUS SCAM ANTIVIRUS SECURITY PRO IS A SCAM – HERE IS HOW TO REMOVE IT HOW TO REMOVE 99% OF COMPUTER VIRUSES, MALWARE AND ADWARE FOR FREE :jk: