The most difficult Apple Mac OS virus we have ever come across ….. Weknow.Ac resisted all and removers but was eventually removed after many, many attempts and hours of research, trial and error.

How do I know if my computer has the virus?

Open up any browser …. does your search page look like the following or similar?


If so, you have the and you need to get rid of it ASAP

Following suggestions on another website (MacReports) we managed to clean up Safari browser ….

How To Remove Malware (macOS)

The advise offered here regarding Chrome did not , we know this because it is still impossible to change the default search-engine away from we


How did I get the virus?

Well in our case we were looking for a site called “Success with Teams” and instead of typing mis-spelled it as which landed me on the following page where I was fooled into thinking that Flash Player needed upgrading


We found more advice on removing the we virus on the Communities Website, where we came across two solutions:

  1. Wipe and reformat your HDD by going into recovery mode.(Only advisable if you have a current Time Machine )
  2. …. “” changes a group of Chrome policies so as to set a new default homepage, new tab behavior, etc. You can see your current Chrome policies by typing chrome://policy/ into your URL bar. If you're infected, it should be very obvious as the half-dozen or so policies changed by weknow will be displayed.

    Use the command line to delete / modify the affected policies. You do this by opening up “Terminal” and copy and paste each of the following entries below. I did each one at a time. I copy and pasted the first line and then hit enter and then went to the next until I had finished all 6 below:

    defaults write HomepageIsNewTabPage -bool false

    defaults write NewTabPageLocation -string “

    defaults write HomepageLocation -string “

    defaults delete DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL

    defaults delete DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL

    defaults delete DefaultSearchProviderName

    Quit Chrome and restart it and voila the virus will be gone. I tried everything and 3 calls with Apple and this was the only thing that worked.


If you think you have this Virus and your attempts to remove it have failed, bring your computer to our and our Apple qualified experts can do it for you.



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