We specialise in the complete removal of Computer Viruses

computer virus removal

The IT Guys are experts in detecting and fixing these issues and restoring computers, servers and websites to a secure working state.

Even the best “Anti-Virus” and “Anti-” products will only protect you 90% of the time. Everyone's computer systems get compromised once in a while. The trick is to know that there is a potential problem and have someone look at it before it becomes a major issue.

Please call us on the number below to discuss your issues with a technician and we can then best decide if this is a simple issue that can be dealt with over the for FREE, remotely by logging into your computer, requires equipment to be dropped off at our workshop for or requires a site or home visit.


Your Apple Mac has a Virus (this is NOT a joke)

What can be done to stop email spam, email viruses and Ransomware

What is Phishing and how can I defend against it?



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